Empties March 2017

Hello, hello!

I think that I’m making pretty decent progress in using up items in my stash. I’ve also continued to go through all of my old lipsticks to test if any of them have gone off or dried out and culled them from my collection.

Empties Mar 2017

First up, skincare empties:

Empties Mar 2017 - skincare

MyChelle Dermaceuticals Creamy Pumpkin Cleanser* – Originally reviewed here. I absolutely love this cleanser, it was so perfect for winter, as it made my skin feel super clean without any dryness or tightness. This is on my to-buy for fall wishlist, I am currently testing out something new for spring / summer.

Kate Somerville EradiKate – Originally reviewed here. I’m kind of mad at myself for forgetting to replace this one when I made my mini birthday haul from Sephora! I don’t breakout very often, just an occasional hormonal or stress related one but this one really works for my sensitive skin!

Sukin Hydrating Mist Toner – Originally reviewed here. This is on my to-buy wishlist for summer. I’m currently finishing up another facial mist in my stash. This is my second or third bottle that I’ve used up!

Sukin Purifying Facial Masque – Originally reviewed here. This is on my to-buy wishlist as soon as I clear up a few more facial masks in my stash. This and the Consonant DHE Mask are top two clay based facial masks.

Symphony Beauty Snow Cream Moisturizer – This was an Ipsy GlamBag item. It is too highly scented for me to use on my face, so I used it up on my feet. I will not purchase this one.

Cougar Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Facial Oil* – Originally reviewed here. I liked this  facial oil, but used it up really quickly due to its very watery consistency. Would I purchase? Probably not, because I have so many hyaluronic acid based products on my to-try wishlist.

Empties March 2017 - makeup

Milani Moisture Lock Oil Infused Lip Treatment – Originally reviewed here. I really loved this when I first got it, but near the end, the consistency changed and it got sticky. I won’t be re-buying this one.

Concrete Minerals Electric Eye Primer – I don’t think that I’ve reviewed this primer, but I’ve had it since before I started blogging two years ago. It is one of my favourites as it is a great primer for loose shadows and pigments. Will I re-buy? Maybe, once I’ve used up a few more eye primers in my stash.

Brazen Cosmetics Goodbye to You: Light – Originally reviewed way back when I first started blogging in March 2015! The Brazen Cosmetics website is no longer there, so I don’t know if the company is gone or just on hiatus so I don’t think that I can replace it. This was a great banana type powder for setting the under eye.

Empties Mar 2017 - old lipsticks

I’ve continued to go through my lipstick collection, and culled a few more because they failed the tests for scent (does it smell rancid or like palydough), texture (has it dried out or melted) and / or discoloration (visible colour changes, or that weird almost fuzz look).

ColouPop Ultra Metallic Liquid Lipstick in Kween – this one isn’t all that old. Original review is here. This is my only disappointing liquid lipstick from ColourPop. It was dry and patchy when I first got it, and it is even drier now. Will I re-buy? Not this shade, and probably not any of the Ultra Metallics, but yes, I will buy other lipsticks from ColourPop.

Urban Decay Revolution Lipsticks in Shame, Manic and Jilted – These are OLD, I never did review them, but they were my fave lipsticks from they time that they were launched!  Shame was dried out, but still smelled ok. Manic turned weird looking, almost fuzzy like F-Bomb from last month’s empties, and was starting to dry out, and Jilted was starting to discolour, and dry out. The Revolution Lipstick line has been discontinued, but these three were re-launched in the Vice Lipstick line. Re-buy? I will probably go test out and swatch the new Vice Lipsticks to see if I would purchase Manic and Jilted.

Annabelle TwistUp Retractable Lipstick Crayon in Kinky Pink and Royale – These are fairly old as well, but they still make this lipstick format, and both shades are still listed. Repurchase? Maybe. I’ll go take a look at some of the new shades since they were comfortable and long wearing.

Do you go through your lipstick collection to check to see if they are still good?

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day! ❤

Disclosure: Everything purchased by me, except for items marked with an *. Please see original reviews for details.


39 thoughts on “Empties March 2017

      1. BUT SWEET J
        i know how to celebrate …Lol
        you will “know i am there ” ALL DAY ……

        Liked by 1 person

  1. You used up a LOT! Mental note to self: go get that Sukin Purifying Facial Masque from Winners! 😉
    Surprised to see the Milani Lip Oil being tossed already – seems like you had it less than a year? I am still eyeing the Coconut scent of that line.
    Noooooo not all those UD Revolution lipsticks! 😥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That and the consonant masks are my all time faves!
      Ugh, the lip oil was so good at the beginning, but it got thick at the end and leaked on my dresser – yuck!
      Well, those UD lipsticks were OLD, as in definitely bought before we moved into our current place 6 years ago. They had to go!


  2. I have been mindful of my lipstick collection lately. I have had a few colours for a few years but they don’t smell bad and still apply nicely. I’m actually thinking of doing a bit of a declutter soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nicely done! 🙂

    Now that you’ve emptied 2 more Sukin products… I found a Sukin night cream!! At the moment I’m using something Olay, but once that Olay cream is finished, I’ll be using my Sukin night cream. I’m so excited!

    Liked by 1 person

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