Spring Cleaning Project Collab – Month 3 Check-In & Update

Hello, hello!

The lovely Ingrid from Curly Spring Blossom has once again convinced me to take part in a new project pan – this time a Spring Cleaning Project Pan. This one is a little different than the previous ones, as we will be only posting once a month with our progress and reviewing four of the sixteen products to be panned.

Today is the three month check-in and update and review of the next four products! I’ve been pretty good about using every product at least once or twice a week, and for some products, I’m using them more than that.

Review of the next four products:

ColourPop Super Shock Cheeks in Sticky Sweet and Stole the Show

Originally reviewed here. I’ve been using both of these cheek products each week, and despite making a visible dent in them, they seem to be staying at the same weight which is frustrating! As you can probably guess, Stole the Show (on the right) is well loved! I dropped it when I first got it and it cracked, so I had to try to press it back together, so it is a little lumpy. I would re-buy Stole the Show. I’ve been forcing myself to use Sticky Sweet, so it is doubtful that I will re-purchase as it is a little out of my comfort zone.

NudeStix in Gel Lip and Cheek Balm in Pulse

Spring Cleaning #3

This was one of the products that I got at last year’s Ipsy Generation Beauty event in Toronto. I’m so happy to have rediscovered this one, it is a very wearable pinky nude shade. I’ve only worn this one as a lipstick, and not on my cheeks, so I can’t comment on how it works as a blush. It is super moisturizing and the colour is fairly long wearing. I’ll likely buy this shade when I use it up, or another shade from this line as I’m loving it so much! Original review is here.

Sukin Revitalizing Facial Scrub

Spring Cleaning #3

The only reason why this product was put into the current project pan is because I have a bit of a stock pile of facial scrubs, and this one was the oldest one in my stash. This is a lovely and gentle facial scrub – perfect for sensitive skins. I still love it, and will more than likely re-purchase this once I’ve cleared out more of my skincare stash. This one is close to finishing! Original review is here.

Now for a little science on all sixteen of the products! I borrowed Stashy’s scientific method for measuring progress – I’ve weighed each of the products on my new little kitchen scale, so I can keep track of how much I will have used up each month.

Spring Cleaning #3

Despite using all of the makeup items several times each week for the past month, once again there is very little change on the scales – so frustrating! I can definitely see progress with the non-makeup items though!

Don’t forget to check out Ingrid’s blog for her Spring Cleaning Project!

Feel like joining in? Let us know! The next update will be on June 5th!

Thanks for reading, and have a beautiful day! ❤

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose, all products either purchased by me, or gifted from a friend.

Empties March 2017

Hello, hello!

I think that I’m making pretty decent progress in using up items in my stash. I’ve also continued to go through all of my old lipsticks to test if any of them have gone off or dried out and culled them from my collection.

Empties Mar 2017

First up, skincare empties:

Empties Mar 2017 - skincare

MyChelle Dermaceuticals Creamy Pumpkin Cleanser* – Originally reviewed here. I absolutely love this cleanser, it was so perfect for winter, as it made my skin feel super clean without any dryness or tightness. This is on my to-buy for fall wishlist, I am currently testing out something new for spring / summer.

Kate Somerville EradiKate – Originally reviewed here. I’m kind of mad at myself for forgetting to replace this one when I made my mini birthday haul from Sephora! I don’t breakout very often, just an occasional hormonal or stress related one but this one really works for my sensitive skin!

Sukin Hydrating Mist Toner – Originally reviewed here. This is on my to-buy wishlist for summer. I’m currently finishing up another facial mist in my stash. This is my second or third bottle that I’ve used up!

Sukin Purifying Facial Masque – Originally reviewed here. This is on my to-buy wishlist as soon as I clear up a few more facial masks in my stash. This and the Consonant DHE Mask are top two clay based facial masks.

Symphony Beauty Snow Cream Moisturizer – This was an Ipsy GlamBag item. It is too highly scented for me to use on my face, so I used it up on my feet. I will not purchase this one.

Cougar Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Facial Oil* – Originally reviewed here. I liked this  facial oil, but used it up really quickly due to its very watery consistency. Would I purchase? Probably not, because I have so many hyaluronic acid based products on my to-try wishlist.

Empties March 2017 - makeup

Milani Moisture Lock Oil Infused Lip Treatment – Originally reviewed here. I really loved this when I first got it, but near the end, the consistency changed and it got sticky. I won’t be re-buying this one.

Concrete Minerals Electric Eye Primer – I don’t think that I’ve reviewed this primer, but I’ve had it since before I started blogging two years ago. It is one of my favourites as it is a great primer for loose shadows and pigments. Will I re-buy? Maybe, once I’ve used up a few more eye primers in my stash.

Brazen Cosmetics Goodbye to You: Light – Originally reviewed way back when I first started blogging in March 2015! The Brazen Cosmetics website is no longer there, so I don’t know if the company is gone or just on hiatus so I don’t think that I can replace it. This was a great banana type powder for setting the under eye.

Empties Mar 2017 - old lipsticks

I’ve continued to go through my lipstick collection, and culled a few more because they failed the tests for scent (does it smell rancid or like palydough), texture (has it dried out or melted) and / or discoloration (visible colour changes, or that weird almost fuzz look).

ColouPop Ultra Metallic Liquid Lipstick in Kween – this one isn’t all that old. Original review is here. This is my only disappointing liquid lipstick from ColourPop. It was dry and patchy when I first got it, and it is even drier now. Will I re-buy? Not this shade, and probably not any of the Ultra Metallics, but yes, I will buy other lipsticks from ColourPop.

Urban Decay Revolution Lipsticks in Shame, Manic and Jilted – These are OLD, I never did review them, but they were my fave lipsticks from they time that they were launched!  Shame was dried out, but still smelled ok. Manic turned weird looking, almost fuzzy like F-Bomb from last month’s empties, and was starting to dry out, and Jilted was starting to discolour, and dry out. The Revolution Lipstick line has been discontinued, but these three were re-launched in the Vice Lipstick line. Re-buy? I will probably go test out and swatch the new Vice Lipsticks to see if I would purchase Manic and Jilted.

Annabelle TwistUp Retractable Lipstick Crayon in Kinky Pink and Royale – These are fairly old as well, but they still make this lipstick format, and both shades are still listed. Repurchase? Maybe. I’ll go take a look at some of the new shades since they were comfortable and long wearing.

Do you go through your lipstick collection to check to see if they are still good?

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day! ❤

Disclosure: Everything purchased by me, except for items marked with an *. Please see original reviews for details.


Spring Cleaning Project – Month 2 Check-In & Update

Hello, hello!

The lovely Ingrid from Curly Spring Blossom has once again convinced me to take part in a new project pan – this time a Spring Cleaning Project Pan. This one is a little different than the previous ones, as we will be only posting once a month with our progress and reviewing four of the sixteen products to be panned.

Today is the second month check-in and update and review of four of the products! I’ve been pretty good about using every product at least once or twice a week, and for some products, I’m using them more than that.

Concrete Minerals Bitches Brew 

I’ve been wearing this shadow a lot over the past month, it is such a beautiful duochrome shadow, described on the Concrete Mineral site as an electric lavender w/ golden-orange shift. My original review and swatches are here. I absolutely love this one!

Spring Cleaning  Concrete Minerals

TheBalm Meet Matt(e) Trimony Matt Moskowitz

I’ve been wearing this matte plum toned shadow quite a bit, it works well with so many shadows in my collection. It is highly pigmented and long wearing. I got this in my first ever Ipsy Glam Bag – the original unboxing review is here.

Spring Cleaning TheBalm

Tarte Maracuja Oil

I’ve had samples of this facial oil many times over the years, this most recent one came in my December Ipsy Glam Bag. I think that this is the very first facial oil that I had ever tried. It came in handy during our recent cold snap as my skin became super dry, and this helped my skin recover. I’ve been putting a few drops in with my moisturizer for an added moisture boost.

Haus of Gloi Pumpkin Butter Rosy Cheeked

Haus of Gloi Pumpkin Butters are my all time favourite body moisturizers. They come in both their general catalogue (permanent scents) and their seasonal (limited edition) scents. I have several of these Pumpkin Butters in my stash, they are thick and highly moisturizing without being greasy. Rosy Cheeked is a seasonal scent from their Yule collection, and the scent is a blend of pink grapefruit, fir needles, juniper berries, rosemary, parsley and winter lillies. I love these scented pumpkin butters, because they are beautifully scented, but not over-powering.

Now for a little science on all sixteen of the products! I borrowed Stashy’s scientific method for measuring progress – I’ve weighed each of the products on my new little kitchen scale, so I can keep track of how much I will have used up each month.

Spring Cleaning Update #2

Despite using all of the makeup items several times each week for the past month, there is very little change on the scales – so frustrating! I can definitely see progress with the non-makeup items though!

Don’t forget to check out Ingrid’s blog for her Spring Cleaning Project!

Feel like joining in? Let us know! The next update will be on May 1st!

Thanks for reading, and have a beautiful day! ❤

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose, all products either purchased by me, or gifted from a friend.

Spring Cleaning Project 2017 (Collab)

Hello, hello!

The lovely Ingrid from Curly Spring Blossom has once again convinced me to take part in a new project pan – this time a Spring Cleaning Project Pan. This one is a little different than the previous ones, as we will be only posting once a month with our progress and reviewing four of the sixteen products to be panned.


Spring Cleaning Project Pan CollabSpring Cleaning Project Pan Collab

1. The Balm Bahama Mama (Bronzer / Blush)

2. The Balm Cabana Boy (Blush)

3. ColourPop Sticky Sweet (Blush)

4. ColourPop Stole the Show (Highlighter)

I’ve never hit pan on a blush, highlighter or bronzer. I’ve always just gotten rid of products when they get too old. I have so many cheek products that just don’t get enough love, so I thought that I would try to pick enough variety that I won’t get bored trying to use these ones up!

5. Concrete Minerals Bitches Brew (Eyeshadow)

6. ColourPop Birthday Girl (Eyeshadow)

7. ColourPop Stereo (Eyeshadow)

These are all beautiful colours, but I haven’t used any of them in quite awhile. I tried to pick colours that would work well with my Tartelette Matte palette.

8. The Balm Matte Moskowitz (Eyeshadow)

Other than swatching this deluxe eyeshadow sample, I think that I might have only worn this once since getting it in an Ipsy Glam bag a few months ago.

9. NudeStix Pulse (Lip & Cheek Stick)

This was lost in my stash for ages, I’d completely forgotten that I got this at last year’s Ipsy Generation Beauty event last May.

Skin, Body, and Hair Care:

Spring Cleaning Project Pan Collab

10. Sukin Facial Scrub

I have several scrubs in my skincare stash, this one was the oldest one, so thats how it ended up in this round of panning.

11. Tarte Maracuja Oil

I picked this facial oil so that I will finally get around to reviewing it!

12. Haus of Gloi Pumpkin Butter – Rosy Cheeks

13. Haus of Gloi Pumpkin Butter – Cozy Rose

I still have a few other jars of Pumpkin Butter in my stash. I’ve banned myself from buying anything from HoG until I use up more of my stash!

14. Smith’s Rosebud Salve

Another lip balm that was lost in the house. Now that I’ve found it, I’m going to use it up!

15. The Body Shop Grapeseed Glossing Serum

When I first got this hair serum, I used it all the time. I just want to finish it!

16. Garnier Fructus Style De-Constructed Beach Chic

Someone gave this to me because they didn’t like the scent. I haven’t used it since the summer, but since I mostly wear my hair wavy, it is a good excuse to maybe finish it. If I don’t finish it by the end of this project pan, it will be going in the trash, or given away.

This time around, I’ll be using Stashy’s scientific method for measuring progress – I’ve weighed each of the products on my new little kitchen scale, so I can keep track of how much I will have used up each month.

Spring Cleaning Project Pan Collab

Don’t forget to check out Ingrid’s blog for her Spring Cleaning Project!

Feel like joining in? Let us know!

Thanks for reading, and have a beautiful day! ❤

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose, all products either purchased by me, or gifted from a friend.

Best of 2016 – Skin Care Edit

Hello, hello!

I’m back! I got hit with a horrible cold just before Christmas and I’m still not 100% healthy yet.

As the year draws to a close, I would like to take the time to thank each and every one of you for following, liking and commenting on my blog!

Here’s my “Best of 2016 – Skin Care” and links to the original reviews.

Best Cleanser: 

I have a tie for best cleansers, both are from Mychelle Dermaceuticals – the Refining Sugar Cleanser and the Creamy Pumpkin Cleanser. I’ve been using both of these cleansers since the fall.

Best Scrub:

Sukin Revitalizing Facial Scrub

I’ve tried several different scrubs this year, but the Sukin Revitalizing Facial Scrub has to be my favourite.

Best Serum:

Consonant Skincare Antioxidant Superhero Serum

I actually have three serums that I use regularly, but the Consonant Antioxidant Superhero Serum is my favourite of the bunch. Runners up are the Mychelle Dermaceuticals Perfect C and Remarkable Retinal Serums.

Best Facial Oil:

Ingenium Naturals

Facial oils are a fairly new thing for me, it is an area of skincare that I want to explore further in the new year. I’ve been using the Tsubaki Oil from Ingenium Naturals daily. I add a few drops to my moisturizer every morning, and it has helped prevent my skin from the dreaded winter dryness.

Best Moisturizer:

I have two favourite moisturizers, one for day, and one for night. The first one is the Sensi-Cream from Ingenium Naturals. I use it in the mornings with a few drops of Tsubaki Oil mixed in. At night, I use the Pumkin Renew Cream from Mychelle Dermaceuticals.

Best Facial Mask:

Another tie. I absolutely love the Consonant Skincare DHE Mask, and the Sukin Purifying Facial Masque.

Best Eye Cream:

Sukin Antioxidant Eye Serum

Another one from Sukin, the Antioxidant Eye Serum. It hydrates without irritating my sensitive eyes.

Best Facial Mist / Floral Water / Toner:

Maison Jacynthe Eau Florale de Rose

A new product category for me. I fell in love with using facial mists / floral waters. Again, this is a product category that I want to try more of in the new year. I am so in love with the Eau Florale de Rose from Maison Jacynthe. The Hydrating Mist Toner from Sukin is also a personal fave.


There you have it, my Best of Skin Care for 2016! Thanks for reading and have a beautiful 2017! ❤❤❤

Still to come, Best of Body and Hair Care for 2016, and Best of Makeup for 2016!

Disclosure: See the original reviews for individual product disclosure statements.


Project Pan 12 Collab, Week 12 Review

PP12 Urban Decay Pulp Fiction

Hello, hello!

Can you believe that it has already been 12 weeks?  Today I’m reviewing the 12th of 12 products for my Project Pan 12 collab with these lovely fellow bloggers:  Ingrid from CurlySpringBlossom, and Stashy from Stash Matters, and Chanelle from ChanelleHayleyyy!

Basically, the Project Pan 12 goal is to use up (or at least make a good attempt to use up) twelve products over the course of twelve weeks, and to review one of the products each week. After the product review, I’ll give a very short comment on the remaining eleven products just to account for whether or not I’ve been successful in using each of the products.

Onto the review!

Urban Decay Pulp Fiction Mini Palette*

I won this palette in a giveaway last October from Hello Kaily, and my original swatch post is here if you want to check it out. The Urban Decay Pulp Fiction mini palette was a special edition palette / limited edition palette from the 20th Anniversary of the cult classic film Pulp Fiction.

As you can see, there are four pans (five shades):  Righteous, a light cream matte, Tyranny, a warm brown matte, Vengeance, a deep taupe brown matte satin and a split pan of Furious / Anger a black satin / white satin.

I love this little palette, it is very wearable and can be used to create both neutral and dramatic looks. The shadows are soft and buttery, and very pigmented. Despite using this palette anywhere from 1 to 3 times each week for the past 12 weeks, as you can hopefully see from my photos, I’ve barely put a dent in the pans!

Update on the Remaining 11 Products:

Project Pan 12 Collab

1. Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Pressed Finishing Powder – Finally finished! Reviewed week 1 (here)

2. Essence Cosmetics Bloom Me Up Shimmer Powder in 01 Rose it Up – used daily, this one is never-ending, not even close to hitting pan! Reviewed week 2 (here).

3. Organic Surge Perfecting Facial Polish – finished week 5! Reviewed week 3 (here).

4. Brazen Cosmetics Organic Mineral Foundation in Crazed (0N) – Finished this week 5, and reviewed week 4 (here).

5. Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in Mont Blanc – used daily, still not finished – I estimate maybe another 2 to 3 weeks, reviewed week 5 (here).

6. Nyx Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator in Gleam – still using daily, reviewed week 6 (here).

7. Urban Decay Urban Vices Mini Palette – used 2x, nowhere near hitting pan, reviewed week 7 (here).

8. Sukin Purifying Facial Masque – this was a substitute product as my mom now has the Rosehip Day Cream because she fell in love with it. Used 3x, close to finishing – I estimate  about 2 to 3 weeks, reviewed week 8 (here).

9. Ren No. 1 Purity Cleansing Balm – used 3x and finished this week! Reviewed week 9 (here).

10. Haus of Gloi Hair Oil in Cozy Sweater Scent – did not use this week, definitely won’t finish this one any time soon, reviewed week 10 (here).

11. Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme – used 1x, reviewed week 11 (here).

I’ll be back on Wednesday to wrap up the Project Pan 12, with my thoughts and conclusions, and a few comparison photos between the start of the collab and the finish.

Don’t forget to check out my fellow collaborators:

Ingrid from CurlySpringBlossom

Stashy from Stash Matters

Chanelle from ChanelleHayleyyy!

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!

Disclosure: I purchased all products except for those marked with * (giveaway win).

Project Pan 12 Collab, Week 11 Review & Update

Hello, hello!

Today I’m reviewing the 11th of 12 products for my Project Pan 12 collab with these lovely fellow bloggers:  Ingrid from CurlySpringBlossom, and Stashy from Stash Matters, and Chanelle from ChanelleHayleyyy!

Basically, the Project Pan 12 goal is to use up (or at least make a good attempt to use up) twelve products over the course of twelve weeks, and to review one of the products each week. After the product review, I’ll give a very short comment on the remaining eleven products just to account for whether or not I’ve been successful in using each of the products.

Onto the review!

Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme – Description is taken from the Sephora website:

A breathtaking seductress caught in a stolen affair between light and dark as Turkish rose sparkles and intrigues beneath notes of spicy ginger and a sultry veil of velvet oud and mystic papyrus.

“She turned the dial until the safe opened, revealing the diamond. She had stolen jewels before, but none compared with this one. She left a single rose and the scent of her perfume in its place for him to find. In a moment she’d be halfway around the world and he would be in pursuit. The chase began again…”

Bergamot from Calabria, Ginger from China, Turkish Rose Essence, Turkish Rose Absolue, Incense From Somalia, Velvet Oud Accord, Patchouli from Indonesia, Papyrus from India, Benjoin from Laos.
Breathtaking. Mysterious. Exhilarating.

I purchased this perfume when it first arrived at Sephora six years ago. At the time, it was probably my most loved fragrance EVER. It smelled like roses and spice, and something dark. A fried of mine used to call this scent a “dirty rose” haha!

As you can see from my super scientific method for tracking usage (using tape to mark the level that the perfume was at on September 5th), I’ve barely made a dent in this perfume.

I don’t know if my scent preferences have changed or if the perfume is starting to go off, but I just don’t love it like I used to. It has been a struggle to use this perfume on a daily basis. Most weeks I’ve been forcing myself to use it at least twice each week. I need to go to Sephora and smell the tester to see whether or not my bottle has started to go off.

According to the Atelier Cologne website, their response to the question of animal testing is:

We do not use ingredients of animal origin. And we do not test our products or raw materials on animals as required by law.

So I’m very excited to find that they are cruelty free!

Update on the Remaining 11 Products:

Project Pan 12 Collab

1. Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Pressed Finishing Powder – Finally finished! Reviewed week 1 (here)

2. Essence Cosmetics Bloom Me Up Shimmer Powder in 01 Rose it Up – used 2x, this one is never-ending, not even close to hitting pan! Reviewed week 2 (here).

3. Organic Surge Perfecting Facial Polish – finished week 5! Reviewed week 3 (here).

4. Brazen Cosmetics Organic Mineral Foundation in Crazed (0N) – Finished this week 5, and reviewed week 4 (here).

5. Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in Mont Blanc – used daily, still hopeful that I might finish this up in time, reviewed week 5 (here).

6. Nyx Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator in Gleam – still using daily, this will last forever since you need so little of it, reviewed week 6 (here).

7. Urban Decay Urban Vices Mini Palette – used 1x, nowhere near hitting pan, reviewed week 7 (here).

8. Sukin Purifying Facial Masque – this was a substitute product as my mom now has the Rosehip Day Cream because she fell in love with it. Used 2x, close to finishing, if not by next week, very soon after that, reviewed week 8 (here).

9. Ren No. 1 Purity Cleansing Balm – used 2x, so close to finishing, reviewed week 9 (here).

10. Haus of Gloi Hair Oil in COzy Sweater Scent – did not use this week, definitely won’t finish this one any time soon, reviewed week 10 (here).

11. Urban Decay Pulp Fiction Mini Palette * – used 1x, there is no way that I’ll hit pan any time soon. To be reviewed.

Don’t forget to check out my fellow collaborators:

Ingrid from CurlySpringBlossom

Stashy from Stash Matters

Chanelle from ChanelleHayleyyy!

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!

Disclosure: I purchased all products except for those marked with * (giveaway win).

Project Pan 12 Collab, Week 9 Review

Hello, hello!

Today I’m reviewing the 9th of 12 products for my Project Pan 12 collab with these lovely fellow bloggers:  Ingrid from CurlySpringBlossom, and Stashy from Stash Matters, and Chanelle from ChanelleHayleyyy!

Basically, the Project Pan 12 goal is to use up (or at least make a good attempt to use up) twelve products over the course of twelve weeks, and to review one of the products each week. After the product review, I’ll give a very short comment on the remaining eleven products just to account for whether or not I’ve been successful in using each of the products.

Onto the review!

RenPurity No. 1 Cleansing Balm – I originally reviewed this product last November. It is the product that I use when I want to treat my skin with utmost care because it is the most gentle and soothing cleanser that I’ve ever used. It is especially good when my skin is super sensitive and dry in the colder months.

PP12 Ren - Beginning of PP12

A rose infused cleansing balm. When applied with water the balm transforms into a rich milk and leaves skin purified, calm and glowing. It gently yet thoroughly melts away dirt and make up (including waterproof mascara).

It does a great job removing makeup and getting the my skin super clean, but, as I said in my original review, I don’t recommend using it to remove eye makeup or mascara, because it really stings the eyes no matter how carefully you use it.

PP12 Ren - week 9

This cleansing balm comes in a 150ml / 5.1oz tub, so even if you use this daily, it will still take forever to use it up because you need such a small amount each time. I’ve had mine since before I started blogging, and still have not finished it – but I’m hopeful that I’ll finish this one in the remaining weeks of PP12.

Update on the remaining 11 products:

Project Pan 12 Collab

1. Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Pressed Finishing Powder – Finally finished! Reviewed week 1 (here)

2. Essence Cosmetics Bloom Me Up Shimmer Powder in 01 Rose it Up – still using daily! Reviewed week 2 (here)

3. Organic Surge Perfecting Facial Polish – finished week 5! Reviewed week 3 (here)

4. Brazen Cosmetics Organic Mineral Foundation in Crazed (0N) – Finished this week 5, and reviewed week 4 (here).

5. Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in Mont Blanc – used daily, reviewed week 5 (here).

6. Nyx Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator in Gleam – still using daily, reviewed week 6 (here).

7. Urban Decay Urban Vices Mini Palette – used 2x, reviewed week 7 (here).

8. Sukin Purifying Facial Masque – this was a substitute product as my mom now has the Rosehip Day Cream because she fell in love with it. Used 1x, reviewed week 8 (here).

9. Urban Decay Pulp Fiction Mini Palette * – used 1x.

10. Atelier Cologne in Rose Anonyme – used 2x.

11. Haus of Gloi Hair Oil in Cozy Sweater – used 1x.

Don’t forget to check out my fellow collaborators:

Ingrid from CurlySpringBlossom

Stashy from Stash Matters

Chanelle from ChanelleHayleyyy!

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!

Disclosure: I purchased all products except for those marked with * (giveaway win).


Weekly Recap – Oct 31st to Nov 6th

Hello, hello!

Just a little recap of the week’s blog posts…

October 31st – Project Pan 12 Collab, Week 8

November 2nd – Essence Silky Touch Blush Review (10 Adorable) 

November 3rd – MyLipAddiction.com Beauty Podcast Episode 15 – I was the guest!

MyLipAddiction.com Beauty Podcast

November 4th – Nyx Tinted Brow Mascara Review (Espresso)


Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day! ❤

Disclosure: Please see original blog posts for product disclosures.